Τετάρτη 21 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016

Il premio Dimitris Tsatsos al Presidente Emerito Giorgio Napolitano

Il Presidente Emerito della Repubblica ItalianaGiorgio Napolitano ha ricevuto il Premio "Dimitris Tsatsos"  nel corso di una cerimonia, tenutasi lunedì  19 settembre 2016 presso l'Ambasciata di Grecia a Roma.
Il premio, che viene assegnato per la terza volta, è stato istituito dal Centro per il Diritto Costituzionale europeo "Fondazione Themistoclis e Dimitris Tsatsos" di Atene e l'Istituto di Scienze costituzionale europeo Dimitris Tsatsos  dell'Università di Hagen in Germania. Viene assegnato a personalità illustri per il loro contributo nel campo degli studi costituzionali europei o per lo straordinario contributo all'integrazione europea e alla formazione di una Costituzione europea. 
"Durante la sua lunga carriera politica, Giorgio Napolitano ha dimostrato il suo profondo impegno nell'idea dell'integrazione europea e ha influenzato considerevolmente la sua implementazione nel processo politico", si legge nella motivazione per il premio. "Ha promosso la causa europea e l'ha difesa contro i suoi detrattori, un valido esempio per le generazioni future".
Pubblichiamo il discorso tenuto dal Presidente Emerito:
First of all, I want to express my deep gratitude to
both prestigious institutions, the Tsatsos Foundation
in Athens and the Tsatsos Institute in the University of
Hagen for awarding me such a significant Prize. And I
have to thank, at the same time, all the
representatives of the respective Boards, for
accepting to move to Rome, kindly taking into account
my difficulties to move to Athens.
This is a sad day, and not only for Italy: we just bid
our farewell to Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, one of the main
constructors of European unity. Thank you, dear
Greek and German friends, for being here.
The Athens Foundation and the Hagen Institute
honour together the high level figure of Dimitris
Tsatsos and together keep alive and develop his
scientific legacy and democratic commitment, serving
the causes of constitutional law and of European unity.
This cooperation is really meaningful. It reflects
the quality of a school of juridical thought active
within a common horizon in Greece and in Germany.
Dimitris Tsatsos was one of the Greek scholars
continuously operating in the German academic
framework no less than in the Greek one. And he
personally enjoyed a decisive solidarity getting the
possibility to teach in Germany while he was banned in
Greece by the military dictatorship between the '60ies
and 70ies.
But let me now recall, on the basis of therelations I
could establish with him, the figure and personality of
Dimitris Tsatsos. He was among the most respected
members of the Constitutional Affairs Committee of
the European Parliament, already before my second
election asanEuropean parliamentarian and chairman,
between 1999-2004, of that Committee.
There is no need to underline the quality of his
contribution to that institution thanks to his
theoretical doctrine. But I'd like to put in light his
soberness, far from any spirit of academic superiority,
and his attitude to cooperate with true camaraderie
with his parliamentarian colleagues. And I am still
grateful for thesincere and precious collaboration I
got from him during my presidency of the Committee.
In starting that exercise, I could rely on the deep
analysis of the Amsterdam Treaty he submitted to the
Assembly as a rapporteur, with Inigo Mendez de Vigo,
in the previous Parliament. It was an example of how
to serve and reinforce the role of the Strasburg
Parliament, going beyond the simple political and
technical products of negotiations between the
governments, and developing the ideal and strategic
foundations of the European

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